2-step verification


2-step verification is an extra security feature. When enabled, every time a user logs in on a new computer, they will need to put in a PIN code received by SMS. 

Enable 2-step verification for yourself

Every user can enable 2-step verification for themselves.

To enable 2-step verification for your user, navigate to Settings - User Profile.


Under the 2-step verification settings, enable 2-step verification (1), enter your mobile phone number and click Verify


An SMS with a PIN code will be sent to your mobile phone. Enter this PIN code and click Verify (3).


2-step verification is now enabled for your user.

Require 2-step verification for specific users

To require 2-step verification for specific users, navigate to Administration - Users. Activate RequireMFA for the user to make 2-step verification mandatory for this user.


The next time the user tries to log in, they will be prompted to set up 2-step verification. They will need to enter their phone number, click 'Add phone', put in the PIN code they've received via SMS and verify their phone number.


Require 2-step verification for all users

To make 2-step verification required for all users, contact Tixly support.