The Organisation Settlement report can be used to settle sales between different organisations and displays all the orders and revenue that are done by one organisation for another organisation.
Settings and report
The user that belongs to an organisation should have access to only that organisation for the organisation settlement report to show correctly.
When logged in as a user who has access to the default organisation, the Cashier Report will show all users within all organisations, but not the sales done online at the different organisations.
To withdraw a organisation settlement report, go to Administration - Reports - Organisation Settlement.
This report will split into Sales for other organisations and Sales in favour of current organisation.
The report shows the following infomation per item (tickets, giftcards, products, etc.):
- Event name
- Event start date
- Organisation that owns the event
- User that sold or refunded the item(s)
- Number of items sold or refunded
- Revenue per event
The report also shows online sales that have taken place using the online buying flow of the organisation that doesn't own the event.
Default organisation - Accounting notes
To get your finance straight as a default organisation selling for others, there are two good ways to do it.
This depends on how many organisations you are settling and how many orders.
First, start by pulling a Cashier report as your user for the period you want to post.
This will give all sales on users that belong to all organisations, but not their online sales.
If you take out a daily sale with only the web users ( and Tix Jobs), you will get the revenue that came from online sales for your merchant account. This is the online sales for your organisation.
As the daily sales consists of all users, excluding the online merchants on the other organisations, it will be where you find your payment types.
Next, take out a organisation settlement report. This will show how much you have sold for the other organisation.
If you have more than one other organisation, you can log in as a user connected to the organisation you want to settle, and take out this report. The transactions you want to pay out, is then the "sales in favour of current organisation", which show the other organisations sales for your organisation.
Other organisation - Accounting notes
To get your finance straight as a organisation with others selling for you, the organisation settlement report show the numbers others have sold.
First, start by doing a Cashier report as your user for the period you want to post.
This will give all sales on users that belong to your organisation, including your own online sales.
If you take out a daily sale with only the web users ( and Tix Jobs), you will get the revenue that came from online sales for your merchant account. This is the online sales for your organisation.
The daily sales report is also where you find the payment types and when the orders are sold.
Next, take out a organisation settlement report. This will show how much the other organisation(s) have sold for you. This is the total sales they have done for you, including service fees.
To see the revenue for your own events the Event Overview Report can be used. If you want to see who has done sales on each event group or events you can also use the Daily Sales report, which will give you an overview of the events or event groups you have selected. This report will also show which organisation has sold to the different events.
To see the payment types the Cashier Report can be used.