Merge customers

To merge customers, navigate to Administration - Customers - Merge customers.


From here it is possible to search for a specific customer to remove duplicates for that specific customer, or go through duplicates in the customer register based on Name, email, mobile or home phone number. 

Search for customer


In search you can search for name, email, mobile, address etc. To the left you choose the customer card that will become the Master and the customer cards that will be included in the merge. Either choose to Merge the customer (all orders on the selected customers will end up on the Master) or choose Edit & Merge. All orders on those customer cards will then also become one but you are given the possibility to edit the customer information first. 


When merging customers, customer tags and connected web users will follow to the master. 

Start from field


When choosing one of the pre-defined fields on the customer card the system will display the first duplicate (the one with the lowest customer number). Now you have 3 choices, either Skip, Edit & Merge or Merge. If Skip is chosen, no merge will be done and you will see the next duplicate. By doing this you can work your way through the customer register and eliminate the number of duplicates in it.