
Tixly offers two different ways to refund customers:

Auto Refunds

It is possible to refund all or selected orders made on a specific event sold online by credit or debit card. The tickets will be deleted in Tixly and refunded through the payment gateway to the same card that was used during the purchase of the tickets. It is possible to include or exclude ticket fees and event connected products.

1. Navigate to Administration - Event - Refunds.

2. Use the Event filter to find the event that should be refunded. Click Generate report.
It is only possible to register refunds for one event at a time.


3. A report with all orders that are possible to refund will be generated. As a default, all order are marked but it is possible to change the selection.


4. When the order that should be refunded has been selected, click Send to refund in the lower right corner.

5. In the next step you can change the following

  • At the top, the total amount that will be refunded is shown. This can change if fees and products are included or excluded.
  • Email layout. Choose the one called Refund Message. A automatic email will be sent to the ticket buyers with information that their order has been cancelled and refunded. The layout and it's content can be reviewed and edited at Administration - Layouts - Email. There it is possible to change the existing texts yourself, any other requests for changes can be sent to Tixly Support.
  • Custom text: It is possible to input a custom text that will be included in the email that is sent out to the ticket buyers.
  • Refund fees:  Set if any ticket fees should be included or excluded in the refund.
  • Refund products: Set if event connected products should be included or excluded in the refund.

When all choices have been made you must input the word REFUND (with capital letters) in the pop-up. Then you confirm once more when clicking Send.


6. The report for the event now shows the same order but once it has been sent to refund it is marked with Blue
Green = Refunded 
Blue = Sent to refund
White = Possible to refund


7. Below the report for the specific event, all events that have been sent to refund is shown. Refunds are made at midnight which means that it is possible to cancel/change a refund as long as the row is marked with Blue. When the event is green, it is no longer possible to edit or cancel the refund.

8. When an event is refunded and marked as Green, any orders that failed to refund will be marked as Failed.


To get more information about all orders in a batch, use the arrow next to the trash can on the right side of the event row. Alternatively you can find the event as in step 2 and all orders will be shown. The ones that have not been refunded will be marked with Red and by hovering over the cross on a red order you will be given information about why it was not refunded.


In the individual order history, it will be shown that Tix Jobs cancelled the tickets via Bulk refund and in the cashier reports the amount will be shown as refunded by the user Tix Jobs.

Manual Refunds

When it is not possible to use the automatic refunds, because the payment has not been made through the payment gateway or only a part of the order needs to be refunded, it can also be arranged manually. When canceling an order online the customer has to provide their IBAN (and BIC if it's a foreign IBAN). In BoxOffice the payment method IBAN refund can be used, where an IBAN must be entered (if this refund method is not active yet, please contact Tixly Support). A file of all the manual refunds can then be generated and imported to the bank.

The full list of manual refunds can be obtained in two ways: 

1. Via the icon on the dashboard you go to the list by clicking 'view all refunds'.


2. Via Administration - Events - Manual Refunds



There you will find the list of all orders that need to be manually refunded. It is possible to filter by a specific event, for example if it needs to be refunded earlier. As a default all orders are selected. However, it is also possible to deselect a certain order by clicking on the blue box in front of the order. If you are happy with your selection, click Generate File in the bottom right corner and a new window will open.


  • Refund Amount: Displays the total amount that will be refunded in this batch.
  • Mark as processed: If yes, the selected orders will disappear from the list.
  • File type: Automatically set to SEPA (pain).
  • Encoding: UTF-8 is the most commonly used encoding.
  • Refund date: The date on which the refunds should be made by the bank.
  • Confirmation: Type REFUND (in capital letters) in this field to confirm the refunds.

An XML file will open up and be added to the list at the bottom of the page. Click right mouse click and save the file as a XML.