The Finance Export is used to export all sales from Tixly and import those into your financial system.
To create a template for the finance export, contact Tixly Support.
Very simply described, the financial export is a cash report in a format adapted for a financial system, the event "Beethoven on tour" may instead be called 1234 (project number), these figures are filled in partly by Tixly but also by you.
Where is the account, department and project number specified?
Via Tixly Support, a default can be specified for e.g. Account and Department or only Account. If nothing else is filled in at the event group or event date, the verifications will end up on what is specified by default.
Event groups
To fill in a Project / External reference number for an entire event group, navigate to Administration - Events - Groups, open up the desired production and navigate to the Advanced tab. Fill in the project number in the box Ext. ref. number.
Event date
To fill in a Project / External reference number, Account and Department, navigate to Administration - Events - Dates and go to the Finance tab. Fill in the desired fields and click Save. These values now overwrite those that may have been set by default.
Via Tixly Support, a default can be specified for e.g. Account and Department or only Account. If nothing else is filled in on the product, the verifications will end up on what is specified by default.
To manually enter these per product, navigate to Administration - Products - Products and open up the product, go to the Finance tab, fill in the desired fields and click Save. These values now overwrite those that may have been set by default.
Payment methods
To be filled in via Tixly Support. If a new payment method is used, or changes are desired, this is sent to Tixly support.
Gift cards, Fees, VAT and Other
To be filled in via Tixly Support. If changes are desired, this is sent to Tixly Support.
How is the file generated?
The file is generated via Reporting - Finance export, select a Date, User(s) and Report type, click on Run report. A .csv file is then downloaded to your computer, which you can then import into your finance program.