An event group is the top level to which event dates are connected. If you have a production of 30 dates you create 1 event group and 30 event dates. Always start by creating the event group and after that create the date.
This guide covers all settings that can be configured in an event group. In most cases it is enough to only use the settings under the Information and Images tabs. Other tabs are for advanced settings.
Create event group
To create a new Event group navigate to Administration - Events - Groups and click Add event group in the upper right corner.
- Name: Name of the event group, usually the same as the event date.
- Organisation: If working with multiple organisations, the right organisation can be selected.
- Subtitle: Subtitle for Tixly market place. Should follow the example: Venue || Month/Year - Lorensbergsteatern || September - December 2020
- Available online: Choose whether the event date can be found on the Tixly marketplace and through the Tixly Event API.
- Display coloured availability: Choose if availability should be displayed as colours in the online buying process.
- Green for seats available in the best sections (based on the ranking on the hall) or no ticket status.
- Yellow for lesser quality seats or few tickets status.
- Red for lower ranked seats or sold out/cancelled status.
Show event filter: Activate filter in the online buying process. The customer can then filter events in the list by amount of tickets, day of the week and seat quality.
In the example below the customer has used the filters to see which shows have 2 or more tickets available that occur on a Monday. - Description: Set a description of the event that will appear on Tixly marketplace and in the Tixly Event API. This text is also visible in Box Office sales view.
- Skin: Brand used for the online buying process. It's possible to have multiple brands.
- Weblink: Link to the online buying process showing all event dates that are connected to the event group. This link is the standard purchase link and usually the one that is published on the website.
Upload an image for the event group. The image is usually the same for Event and Featured.
- Event: Image used on the event page of the Tixly marketplace / mobile ticket / online exchanges / My Pages
- Featured: Image used on the front page of the Tixly marketplace / on the pdf ticket / subscription sales / suggestions in basket / landing page of special offer
These images are used in several places throughout the buying process, for example in subscription and package sales, the landing page for special offers, in customer order pages for events that you might be interested in and more.
The total size of both images should not exceed 2 mb. Other than that, there are no recommended image sizes other than that they should be in landscape mode.
Add translations for online and ticket elements to the available languages. These will also be shown in the API.
When the financial export is activated, in this tab you can add Ext. ref. number, department and or account.
- Recurring: Define if the event dates should be hidden on dashboards or not. Usually used when there are many of the same event dates which overflows the sales dashboard. E.g. guided tours. The event dates can still be found when searching for events.
- Heading text online: Text shown in the online buying process. Hello in the example below.
- Note text online: Text shown in the online buying process. Is it me you're looking for? in the example below.
Note! The note text is only shown if there's also a heading.
- Text for product sale: Extra text show in the online buying process when adding products.
- Redirect to Event Group (Iceland only): Select another event group that customer will be redirected to. Used when old links are still circulating on the internet.
- Allow changes: Define if the customer should be allowed to change tickets to another event after purchase.
- Allow change to this group: If Yes, it's possible to change tickets to this event group from other event groups, provided that changes have been allowed on the other event group.
Read Allow date change for more information.
Payment types
Activate if only specific payment types should be available in Box Office for the event dates connected to the event group.
Queue-IT is a virtual queue that can be setup for events where traffic is expected to be very high. Customers will be directed to the queue and then the queue admits a limited amount of customers into the buying process continuously.
If you want to setup a queue, contact your local Tixly Support.
- Queue active: Activate queue, yes or no.
- Queue URL: Enter the queue URL.