The system can gather permissions for SMS and email send-outs for communication in external systems or directly from features in the system.
Add permission
To create new and edit existing permissions, navigate to Administration - Permissions. To add a new permission, click Add permission in the upper right corner.
- Type: There are two different permission types.:
- 1: General - For general permissions connected to subscriptions, events and seasons.
2. Event related - For event related permissions. E.g. to send out information that is directly related to the event that the customer has bought tickets to.
- 1: General - For general permissions connected to subscriptions, events and seasons.
- Name: Visible in BoxOffice.
- Title: What the customer sees next to the checkbox in the online buying process. E.g. "Get our great newsletter".
- Description: Next to the title in the online buying process, there is an icon that once clicked opens a pop-up containing this description.
- Preselected: If set to Yes, the checkbox is pre selected (not recommended).
- Communication: Define communication type, SMS or email or both.
- Position: If no position is set, the permissions will be shown in alphabetical order.
It is possible to upload permissions to Tixly by clicking "Drop files to upload (or click)", choosing the file containing the permissions (must be CSV or TXT and include one email address per row), then clicking Save.
It is possible to create an integration for permissions (opt in and opt out) between Tixly and external email systems such as Mailchimp and APSIS, Campaign Monitor and Email Platform. The permission in Tixly is connected to a list in the email system with the possibility to define if the permission should go both ways (if a person opts-in or out in Tixly, it will have the same status in the email system and vice versa) or only one way (opt-in in Tixly is transferred to the email system but not the other way around).
Contact Tixly Support to activate the integration.
Connect permission
Permission can be connected in these ways:
- Season - Shown in the online buying process in all events and subscriptions that are connected to the season. Activated in edit season. If a permission should be removed for a specific event it can be done in edit event in the Internet tab.
- Event - Shown in the online buying process for the event. Activated in the Internet tab in edit event.
- Subscription - Shown in the online buying process for the subscription. Activated in the Internet tab in edit subscription.
Download emails or SMS
In the Permission report found in Reporting - Permissions, one can choose a permission and download the email addresses or mobile numbers by pressing Download CSV in the Red or Blue box.
Note! The yellow box shows all the active, unique customers with the chosen permission. If the red or blue box is exported the result will be higher: there are more customers in that export than the number in the yellow box. This is caused by customers that choose a permission more than once. If the customer buy tickets and chooses the permission, but comes back later in time and buys more tickets and chooses the permission again the customer will show up twice in the export. Therefore the export holds duplicates.