A membership gives you the possibility to add several benefits for the customer, depending on the membership they have.
The membership can be sold online and in the BoxOffice.
Add membership / donation
To create a new membership or donation, navigate to Administration - Membership - Memberships and click Add membership in the upper right corner.
- Name: The name of the membership/donation. Shown both in BoxOffice and online.
- Organization: The membership/donation can be linked to a specific organization or the main organization.
- Abbreviation: Short abbreviation for the membership.
- Price: The sale price.
- Vat: Adding VAT to the membership.
- Tax: Adding Tax to the membership.
- Color: Defining which color the membership will have.
- Member count: Set how many people the membership is valid for. The membership may be shared with one or more customers after being sold.
- Type: Choose if it is a membership or a donation (if it is a donation, the customer can get the possibility to donate their refund money if an event is cancelled. More information in Events).
- Tagline: The membership sales pitch. This will be shown in the online buying process.
- Short description: A short description to describe the membership.
- Long description: A longer description of the membership.
- GiftCardGroups: Specify which gift cards may be used to pay for the membership.
- Benefits: Choose the amount of benefits added with the membership. After you choose the amount, you can write which benefits to add as free text.
- Use sequence: If yes, consecutive numbers are used. If no, the numbers will be issued in random order.
- Number start: Define at which number the sequence of numbers should start.
- Number end (only visible when 'use sequence' is set to no): What is the highest possible number in the sequence.
- Number length: Specify how many digits the number should consist of.
- Prefix: Specify whether the number should contain a prefix.
- Postfix: Specify whether the number should contain a postfix.
- Example: An example of a number from the sequence.
Valid / Renewal
- Renewal: Does the membership have an annual, monthly or no renewal.
- Renew time: Choice of fixed date or from date of purchase.
- Day of the month: On which fixed day of the month the membership will be renewed.
- Month of the year: In which month the membership is renewed annually.
- Valid time: If the membership does not have an renewal, you can indicate how long the membership should be valid for.
- From purchase date: Indicate how many months after purchase the membership will expire.
- Fixed date: Indicate the fixed date on which the membership will expire.
- Renew time: Choice of fixed date or from date of purchase.
- Description: Displayed in the last step of the buying flow
- Start renewal days before expiry: The number of days before a membership expires, that the membership should be renewed.
- If it’s an automatic renewal this is the date where the system tries to withdraw money from the customer’s credit card.
- If it’s a manual renewal this is the date where the system will generate a new reservation with a membership that the customer needs to pay to renew the membership.
- Grace period after failed renewal(days): The number of days after the renewal date that the reservation should still be valid after a failed automatic renewal, or when the reservation order is created.
For renewals there are the possibility to make the renewals manually or automatically.
Automatic renewal is only available when using Direct Debits (currently only supported by Mollie), for more information about direct debit and how to use the new email templates, please contact Tixly Support.
Manual renewals creates a reservation with the new membership on the Renewal Date and sends an email* to the customer with information on how to purchase the order. The new membership will be valid from the date where the old membership ended.
*if an email template is selected.
An example: If a client has bought a membership on January 20th, 2023 with a valid time of 12 months, a Start Renewal days of 10 and a grace period of 20, the reservation will be made on January 10th 2024 and an email is send to the customer about how to renew the membership. This reservation will be valid until January 30.
No matter when the customer pays for the reservation after January 10. and before January 30th, the new membership will be valid until January 20th 2025.
Note! Changes made to a membership (eg. validity) will only apply to new sold memberships. It will not change memberships already registered on customers.
- Available online: Choose if the membership can be sold online. If you choose No, it will only be available in BoxOffice.
- Online sale start: When the sales online will become available.
- Online sale end: When the sales online will end.
- Visible online: When the membership can be shown online.
- Email template for online sales: The email sent when you've purchased a membership.
- Email template for gifts: The email sent when a customer wants to gift the membership.
You can add an external reference number, department and account, which will be added to your finance export.
It is also possible to create translations of the membership, by choosing Translations.
Membership Group
When you have created a membership, you create a Membership group, to sell your memberships online.
This is done by adding a membership group at Administration - Membership - Groups.
- Name: The name of the membership group.
- URL: Define the name of the membership group in the URL.
- Available online: Must be chosen to sell memberships online.
- Skin: Choose which skin you will use when selling memberships online. The standard skin is chosen.
- Weblink: Link to memberships sale online.
- Title: Page title, shown online.
- Description: Overall description of the memberships you have enabled through this group.
- Selected memberships: Choose which memberships you will sell through the link. This is done by clicking the membership at the left, and move it to the right column.
- Position: Define which position you will show the memberships. To change positioning, click the membership you want to move, and drag and drop it to your desired position.
The membership we have edited, will look like this when having the parameters as shown before.
If you click "Click here to view all benefits", you will reveal the long description you've set on the memberships.
To get more into memberships, please contact Tixly Support.
Use membership online
To be able to give customers benefits online, they need to be provided with a customer tag. More information about creating a customer tag you’ll find here.